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Configure your Salesforce integration in order for your contacts, accounts, opportunities and calls' details to be synchronized with Modjo

Updated over a week ago

🚨 Prerequisite:

You must have the Admin rights in both Salesforce and Modjo. If so, follow the quick and easy steps described below:

⏱️ Duration time: 10' on average

How does it work?

Modjo binds with Salesforce CRM allowing to:

  • Find your Salesforce contacts, accounts and opportunities related to your calls in order to import and display them within the platform.

  • Make sure the calls were logged in Salesforce as a "call activity" in the contact/account/opportunity timeline. If the call was already logged by the phone provider (ex: Aircall), we'll solely add the link to the call in Modjo. In the event that the call wasn't logged, Modjo adds the call activity (with a few extra details) as well as a link to the call.

  • Display within Salesforce's calls' activities the comments made on their corresponding calls in Modjo.

  • Synchronize email activities present in Salesforce (related to your contacts/accounts/opportunities) in order to quickly visualize in Modjo the timeline of your past interactions.

    Video of the steps 1-3:

Step 1: Create the "Modjo connected application" in Salesforce

  • Go to Salesforce home

  • At the top right-hand corner select the gear, then "Setup"

  • Type "Application" in the search bar

  • Click on "App Manager"

  • Within the page displayed => Click on "New Connected App"

  • Fill in the form with the following values:

  • Activate OAuth parameters

    • Make sure the checkbox "Activate OAuth parameters" is ticked

  • Fill the callback url (if an error occurs, enter the URL manually)

  • Select 3 scopes (using the arrows)

    • api

    • id, profile, email, address, phone

    • refresh_token, offline_access

  • Press "Add" button

  • You must have the same display as in step 6 of the picture below

  • Disable the PKCE function "Demander l'extension Clé de preuve pour l'échange de code (PKCE)

  • Press Save button

  • Copy your consumer key

  • Copy your secret key

  • Save them for next step

  • Copy your "Salesforce instance Url"

    • This is the very first part of your browser Url when you log in Salesforce

    (For instance, in the screenshot displayed below, the instance url is

  • Usually, it should look like:


    • OR

Step 2: Set your Salesforce integration and bind users in Modjo

  • In Modjo, go to Settings => Integrations => CRM

  • Find Salesforce and click on Connect

  • A form appears (scroll upwards if you don't see it).

    • Paste the consumer key and the secret key

    • Paste the instance url (don't forget the https://)

      (You retrieved this information in step 1).

  • Click Save

  • Click Link your account

  • You should be redirected to a Salesforce login page => log in with your regular Salesforce credentials

  • Once you've logged in, you should be redirected back to the Modjo integration's page

  • Below All integrations, you should see Salesforce => Click to display the integration's settings

  • Afterwards, in the User tab, bind each and every Modjo user to his Salesforce's user access.

  • Good to know: you can use the Auto-match button to let Modjo link your users based on email matching.

  • Click Save

Step 3: Keep your data synchronized

💡This action will enable your Salesforce CRM data to be updated in Modjo every 15 minutes.

  • In Salesforce, go to Setup (see Step 1)

  • Type "Change Data Capture" in the search bar

  • Click on "Change Data Capture"

  • Search and select "Opportunity"

  • Click on "Add" button

  • Search and select "Opportunity Contact Role"

  • Click on "Add" button

    (You must have the same display as the image in the right)

  • Press Save button

Step 4: Grant us the necessary permissions (objects Contact, Account, Opportunity, Lead, Task & Notes)

  • Go to Setup (Gear icon => Setup)

  • Navigate to Users => Users in the left sidebar

  • Find and click on your name

  • Check the assigned profile and click on it.

  • Click on Object Settings

  • In the search bar, type Accounts => click Accounts

🚨 Same action must be done for the objects Contact, Task, Opportunity & Lead

  • Click Edit and tick all the boxes in the Object Permissions

  • Save ✅

Enablement of the Notes object:

  • Go to Setup (Gear icon => Setup)

  • Type Notes => Click Notes Settings

  • Tick Enable Notes & Save

Step 5: Enable the API access

You must possess one of the following plans with an API access:

  • Enterprise Edition

  • Unlimited Edition

  • Developer Edition

  • Performance Edition

  • Go to Setup (Gear icon => Setup)

  • Navigate to Users => Users in the left sidebar

  • Find and click on your name

  • Check the assigned profile and click on it.

  • Click on System Permissions

  • Click on Edit

  • Check the box for the “API Enabled” row

  • Click on Save

Congratulations! 🙌

Once you have completed these quick steps, your integration is turning active! Now, let’s give it a try by making your first call!

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