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How to share a call?

Understand how to share a call (publicly/privately)

Celeste avatar
Written by Celeste
Updated over a week ago

First method: Public sharing

1- Click on the Share button

2- Select Anyone with the link and choose if you want the Summary of the call to be visible

3- Share it through Slack, Copy its code (Iframe) or Copy its link!

4- Your clients not connected to Modjo will need to enter their email address to view the shared recording.

You will receive an email with the information provided by the person who watched the video, allowing you to better track your deal.

To avoid being too intrusive, the message inviting users to enter their email will only appear on the first login.

If you do not wish to receive the notification email, go to Settings > Notifications and uncheck 'When someone views your shared call'."

Second method: Private sharing

1- Click on the Share button

2- Select Only Modjo users

3- Share it through Slack, Copy its code (Iframe) or Copy its link!

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