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Data retention policy

how to configure this feature and outlines its impact on your Modjo experience.

Updated over a week ago

The Data Retention Policy feature ensures compliance with data privacy regulations by automatically deleting sensitive call recordings and transcripts after a specified retention period. This allows your organization to benefit from Modjo’s insights while minimizing the storage of data that may present privacy risks.

This feature supports your compliance with laws such as GDPR while safeguarding the privacy of employees and call participants.

Key benefits of Data retention policy

  • Compliance with GDPR: European regulations require businesses to retain only essential personal data. The Automatic Call Deletion feature provides peace of mind by allowing you to delete recordings after they’ve served their purpose, ensuring compliance with GDPR’s “Right to be Forgotten.”

  • Enhanced data security: By minimizing the time sensitive information remains stored, you reduce potential risks associated with data breaches or unauthorized access to confidential information.

  • Improved trust with participants: Both employees and external participants value privacy. Automatic Call Deletion fosters a culture of trust, as participants know their conversations will not be stored indefinitely.

1. Configuring Data retention policy

Admins can configure Data retention policy in Security Settings. Here’s how to set it up to suit your organization’s needs:

A. Access Settings: Go to Security Settings > Data Retention Policy.

B. Edit Data retention policy setup: Click on the Edit button of the section to enable this feature.

C. Select retention period:

  • Call recording: Choose a deletion timeframe (e.g., 12 months recommended in Europe, 6 months in France).

  • Call transcript: Set the retention period (12 months recommended for both Europe and France).

D. Apply settings to Library calls: Enable this option to delete recordings and transcripts stored in library folders, including calls used for AI Insights.

E. Save your configuration: Click on the Save button at the top of the page to apply your new configuration.

🚨 Warning important: Saved configurations automatically delete data based on the specified timeframes. These deletions are irreversible, and the recordings or transcripts cannot be recovered.

2. Using Modjo with Data retention policy activated

Once activated, the Data Retention Policy introduces specific changes in how you access call data within Modjo.

A. Viewing call details when call recordings are deleted

If call recordings are deleted, some features remain available to users:

  • Transcript-Only access: You’ll still be able to review transcripts of calls, use timestamps on comments, and create snippets from the transcript.

  • Analytics and AI: Modjo’s AI-powered insights, such as AI call scoring or AI summary, continue to function.

  • Creation of snippet : You’ll still be able to create snippets but only from the transcript.

  • Timestamps on features like transcript, highlights, Modjo note, call reviews or AI call scoring : they are still available but users will fallback to the transcript vs playing the call.

  • Sharing a public call : You’ll still be able to share a call but only the transcript and the summary will be displayed.

Unaffected features include: call topics, ask anything on call/deal, call spectrum, adding calls to the library, adding calls to the watch later playlist, custom vocabulary, AI email follow-up, and full manual deletion of calls.

🚨 Some features won't be accessible anymore:

  • Playing a call: You won't be able to listen back to your call.

  • Downloading a call: You won't be able to download a call on your laptop.

B. Viewing call details when both recordings and transcripts are deleted

When no recordings or transcripts are retained, access is further restricted:

  • Analytics and AI: Modjo’s AI-powered insights, such as AI call scoring and AI summaries, will continue to function.

  • Public call sharing: You can still share a call publicly; however, only the summary will be viewable.

  • Timestamps for features: Timestamps for features like the transcript, highlights, Modjo notes, call reviews, and AI call scoring will be visible but not clickable.

  • AI call scoring: The call score will still display, though it will lack transcript-based justification.

  • Unaffected features: Features that remain unaffected include call spectrum, adding calls to the library, adding calls to the watch later playlist, and full manual deletion of calls.

Features that will no longer be accessible:

  • Call playback: Listening to the call recording will no longer be possible.

  • Call download: You will not be able to download call recordings.

  • Ask anything on call/deal : You will not be able to ask questions as they are based on transcripts.

  • Transcript access and download: Reviewing or downloading call transcripts will no longer be available.

  • Snippet creation: Snippets cannot be created.

  • AI Email follow-Up: Generating follow-up emails will be disabled.

  • Custom vocabulary: Adding custom terms to your vocabulary will no longer be possible.

  • Search by keyword (from Explore) : You will not be able to look for a call via a keyword of the transcript.

  • New/modified Topics: If you add or modify a topic, we will no longer be able to search for it in the transcript. As a result, new topics will not be generated, and existing topics will not be removed.

C. Viewing deal details without recordings or transcripts

Without recordings or transcripts, deal objections will still appear, but they will lack transcript-based justifications for responses.

3. FAQs for Data retention policy

How can I adjust the retention period for my calls and transcripts?

Retention periods can be configured in Security Settings > Data Retention Policy. Adjust these settings to align with your privacy policies or regulatory requirements.

Can I retrieve a deleted recording or transcript?

No, once a recording or transcript is deleted, it’s permanently removed from our servers to maintain compliance with data protection standards.

Which date is used for the deletion period?

Call recordings and transcripts are deleted based on the call date, which may differ from the import date in Modjo.

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