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Deals Warnings

How to setup and use Deals Warnings to spot your deals at risk in your pipe

Updated over a week ago

What are Deals Warnings?

Deals Warnings are automated alerts that help you quickly identify potential risks and opportunities within your sales pipeline. These warnings leverage Modjo's powerful AI to analyze your deal data, including activity levels, contact engagement, and CRM hygiene, providing you with actionable insights to improve your sales strategy and forecasting accuracy.

Why are Deals Warnings Important?

Imagine this: you're preparing for your next pipeline review, sifting through countless deals in your CRM, trying to identify those that require immediate attention. It's a time-consuming process, prone to human error, and crucial information can easily slip through the cracks.

This is where Deals Warnings come in. By automatically surfacing potential risks and opportunities, Modjo empowers you to:

  • Proactively address deal risks: Identify deals with stalled communication, missed engagement opportunities, or potential objections before they escalate.

  • Prioritize your efforts effectively: Focus your time and resources on the deals that need them most, improving your overall sales efficiency.

  • Make data-driven decisions: Gain objective insights into your pipeline health, enabling you to adjust your sales strategies and tactics accordingly.

  • Improve forecast accuracy: Get a clearer picture of your potential revenue, leading to more accurate forecasting and better business decisions.

I. How do Deals Warnings Work?

Modjo's Deals Warnings are based on a set of predefined rules and thresholds that you can customize to align with your unique business needs.

Here is the list of Deals Warnings available in Modjo:

1. Activity Intensity: Track the frequency and nature of interactions with your prospects, identifying deals with low engagement or potential ghosting situations.

  • No activity on the deal for too long: This warning alerts you when there has been no recorded activity (calls, emails, meetings) on a deal for a specified period.

    • Ex: No activity on the deal for 10 days or more

  • No next meeting planned in the future: This warning highlights deals that lack a scheduled next step, prompting you to proactively plan the next engagement. How?As we synchronize your sales calendar, we spot if he has a meeting planned with a user linked to this deal.

  • Single-threaded conversations for too long: This warning identifies deals where all interactions have been with a single contact for an extended period, encouraging you to broaden your reach within the prospect organization.

    • Ex: All interactions are with the same contact for 10 days or more

2. Contact Engagement: Monitor the involvement of key decision-makers and stakeholders, ensuring you have the right people engaged at the right time.

  • No interaction with a key role for too long (based on contact roles): This warning triggers when there has been no interaction with a specific contact role (e.g., Champion, Decision Maker, Economic Buyer) for a defined period, highlighting potential bottlenecks in your engagement strategy.

    • Ex: No interaction with the champion for 12 days or more

    • The contact roles displayed in the dropdown is a mirror of your CRM.

    • If the role is not setup on a contact of the deal, the warning is not triggered.

  • Powermap: not enough powered contact (based on contact job titles): This warning identifies deals where there has been insufficient engagement from high-level stakeholders within the prospect organization, prompting you to expand your reach to key decision-makers.

    • Ex : No active Director or higher whereas the deal is closing in 10 days or less.

    • An contact is considered active if there is at least one call/meeting/email as recipient (email in copy is not considered)

    • To warn you of this risk, we compare the CRM contact job titles of contacts on the deal, with the below list:


Mapped titles


CxO, Chief/Chef, Founder, President/Président


Senior Vice President/Président, Executive Vice President/Président, Regional Vice President/Président, Associate Vice President/Président


Senior Director/Directeur, Director/Directeur, Head of

​3. CRM Hygiene: Ensure your deal data is accurate and up-to-date, avoiding missed opportunities due to incomplete or outdated information.

  • Deal blocked in a stage for too long: This warning identifies deals that have stalled in a particular stage for an extended period, encouraging you to investigate the reason for the delay and take appropriate action.

    • Ex: deal is blocked in stage demo for 12 days or more

  • Close date overdue: This warning flags deals where the close date has passed, prompting you to review the deal status and take appropriate action.

  • Deal amount empty: This warning identifies deals with missing deal value information, encouraging you to maintain accurate and complete CRM data.

  • Deal age is too old: This warning highlights deals that have remained open for an extended period, prompting you to assess their viability and potential for closure.

    • Ex: deal age is 50 days old or more

II. Setting Up Deals Warnings

As an Admin, you have complete control over the Deals Warnings configuration for your organization.

  1. Access Warnings Settings: Navigate to the "Deals" section within your Modjo Organization settings. Click on Edit button to start the edition.

  2. Activate/Deactivate Warnings: Choose from a list of predefined warnings, activating or deactivating them based on your needs, by clicking on the toggle.

  3. Define Thresholds: Customize the sensitivity of each warning by adjusting the thresholds according to your business reality. For example, you can define how many days without activity constitute a "no activity" warning.

  4. Specify Contact Roles (if applicable): For warnings related to contact engagement, define the specific contact roles that are critical for your sales process.

  5. Validate and Implement: Once you're satisfied with your configuration, validate your setup by clicking on 'Save'.

Please note that the implementation may take a few minutes to reflect in your Deals List.

III. Using Deals Warnings in Your Workflow

Once your Deals Warnings are set up, you can start leveraging them directly within your Deals List and Deal View.

Deals List:

  • Filter by Warnings: Use the filter options to display deals that trigger specific warnings, allowing you to focus on specific risk areas.

  • Hover for Details: Get a detailed breakdown of the warning trigger by hovering over the warning icon next to each deal.

Deal View:

  • View Active Warnings: Quickly identify any active warnings for a specific deal, providing context and highlighting potential areas for action.

IV. Best Practices for Using Deals Warnings

  • Regularly review and adjust your warning settings: As your business evolves and your sales processes change, ensure your Deals Warnings configuration remains aligned with your current needs.

  • Use warnings as a starting point for investigation: Don't treat warnings as absolute truths. Instead, use them as triggers to investigate the deal further, gather additional context, and confirm the potential risk or opportunity.

  • Collaborate with your team: Share your insights from Deals Warnings with your team members, fostering a culture of proactive deal management and improved communication.

V. Frequently Asked Questions

How often are Deals Warnings updated?

Deals Warnings are updated once a day and every time there is an update on the deal (new interaction or new status).

Can I customize the warnings based on my team's specific needs?

No, for now only one setup is possible for the entire organization. But we are continuously improving the feature so please share us this feedback if it's useful for you!

Can I share my Deals Warning setup with other teams in my organization?

Yes, the Deals Warning setup applies to the entire organization, ensuring everyone has access to the same insights and risk assessments.

Can I mute a specific warning for a particular deal?

Currently, muting individual warnings for specific deals is not supported. However, you can deactivate the warning entirely from the Deals Warning settings if it's not relevant to your organization.

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