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Custom Vocabulary

Discover the Custom Vocabulary feature allowing you to minimize transcription inconsistencies.

Updated over 6 months ago

I. What is it?

The Custom Vocabulary allows you to minimize transcription inconsistencies by setting specific terms, relevant to your business language.

By including the right terms, Modjo will understand what is being said, leading to better performance. As a matter of fact, the accuracy of transcriptions will be enhanced, resulting in more efficient analytics based on the data collected.

Once Modjo identifies the term, it can digest the conversation into easier-to-manage chunks. This makes it easier to search for specific phrases and information, which can then be used in the exploring features, conversation topics or AI generated summaries.

Which terms should I add?

Include any words or phrases that are non-standard, or commonly mispronounced. Additionally, it may be useful to add terms which are frequently pronounced differently in different languages.

⚠️ Be careful not to add common words as misspellings: they might be correctly used in other sentences or contexts. Consequently, if added as a misspelling, it will be replaced even in sentences where it's used accurately.

II. Setup

a) Add a new term from Call details page

There are two paths to create your terms : either from your Summary or from the Transcript.

From Summary:

  • Hover on a dedicated block where you see a misspelling

  • Click on the dictionary icon

From transcript:

  • Hover the transcript block where you see a misspelling

  • Click on the dictionary icon

Then a side panel opens where you can :

  • Enter the misspelled word

  • And his correction you want to see
    Example: add the term "HubSpot" with "hub spot" as an alternative transcription

  • Validate ✅

💡 This new term will replace the existing misspellings in your ongoing call and will be used for future imports as well.

b) Add a new term to your Custom Vocabulary from Settings page

  • Go to Organization settings

  • Click on Custom Vocabulary

  • Click on Add a Term

  • Enter the term and its alternative transcriptions

    Example: add the term "HubSpot" with "hub spot" as an alternative transcription

    💡You can add multiple alternative transcriptions to the same term by separating them with a comma.

  • Save ✅

c) Edit a term/alternative transcription from your Custom Vocabulary

  • Go to Organization settings

  • Click on Custom Vocabulary

  • Click on the desired term or on the ellipsis located at the right of each existing term

  • Proceed to the changes

    🚨Once the changes have been made, they will be applied to the transcripts of all your future calls.

  • Save ✅


Using Modjo's Custom Vocabulary allows you to monitor conversations better and to pick up on certain terms that you would not otherwise. Doing this improves Modjo's overall performance, improving transcription accuracy and generating better analytics.

💡Many times, the alternative transcription is quite obvious. For example "Facebook" is naturally broken down into "face book". Other times it may not be so easy to figure out the alternative words, and you may need to identify incorrect transcriptions as they occur in order to add them into your Custom Vocabulary.

🚨Once you add an alternative transcription, it will be taken into account solely for new imported calls.

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