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Diabolocom (v2)

Follow the steps described in this article in order for your Diabolocom calls to be automatically imported into Modjo

Updated over a week ago

This guide will walk you through the process of integrating Diabolocom with Modjo by generating and using an API private token.

⏱️ Duration: < 5min on average


  • Administrator access to a Diabolocom account.

  • Administrator access to a Modjo account.

Overview (TL;DR)

1. Generate an API private token in Diabolocom.

2. Retrieve the platform name from Diabolocom.

3. Enter these credentials into Modjo to complete the integration.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1: Generate an API Private Token in Diabolocom

1. Log in to Diabolocom

Open your web browser and log in to your Diabolocom account.

2. Navigate to Settings

Once logged in, go to the settings page. Click on the "Public APIs" section.

3. Create a New API Token

Click the "Create" button located at the top right corner of the page.

4. Configure the Token

- Name: Enter "Modjo"

- Expiration Date: Set a date far in the future to ensure the integration remains active.

- Scopes

  • Utilisateurs

    • [GET]: account/users

  • Statistiques

    • Archives

      • [POST] archive-voice/interactions

      • [GET] archive-voice/interactions/{id}

      • [GET] archive-voice/interactions/{id}

      • [GET] recordings/interactions/{id}/content

  • Fichier

    • All

  • SFTP

    • All

5. Generate the Token

Click on the "Create Personal Access Token" button.

6. Copy the Token

A new token will appear at the bottom of the screen. Click the "copy" button to save the token to your clipboard.

Step 2: Retrieve the Platform Name

Identify the Platform Name

At the top of the settings page, you will see the URL you are connected to. Note the platform name, which is typically in the format of "fr4", "fr6", "en4", etc. For this example, it is "fr6".

Step 3: Configure Modjo

1. Access Modjo Integrations

Log in to your Modjo account and navigate to the integrations page.

2. Find and Select Dynamics V2

Search for "Dynamics V2" and click on the corresponding panel.

3. Enter Diabolocom Credentials

Fill out the form with the information obtained from Diabolocom:

- Platform Name: e.g., "fr6"

- API Private Token: Paste the token copied earlier.

4. Save the Configuration

Click on "Save" to complete the integration.

5. Bind users

Afterwards, in the User tab, make sure to bind each and every Modjo user to his diabolocom access (you can click on the Auto-match button in order to let Modjo link the users based on email matching).

Congratulations! 🙌

Once these quick steps have been completed, your integration is turning active! Now, let’s give it a try by making your first call!

💡Good to know: calls are automatically imported every 20min on average.

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