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All CollectionsUsing ModjoAI CRM Filling
Setting up AI CRM FILLING Templates
Setting up AI CRM FILLING Templates

Maximize sales efficiency with Automated CRM Updates

Updated this week

AI CRM FILLING templates are the backbone of this feature. Here's how to set them up for maximum efficiency:

I. Getting started


  • You must be a Modjo Administrator/Manager

  • You must have enabled the Modjo AI on your organisation

  • ⚠️ Your organization is integrated to Salesforce or Hubspot. If you want us to enable it on other CRMs, reach out to our support team to let them know !

  • Go to Settings / Templates / AI CRM FILLING

This feature is in BETA version, we will keep improving it based on your feedbacks, don't hesitate to share them with us !

II. Test your ideas for AI CRM FILLING

Before creating a template, we strongly recommend testing your prompts using our AI Prompt Testing Platform. This will help you refine your prompts and ensure they produce the desired results.

A) To access the Prompt Testing Platform:

  1. Navigate to the AI CRM FILLING section in Settings

  2. Click on the "Test your prompts " button

B) Using the Prompt Testing Platform:

  1. (Optional) Enter a Test Name for easy reference

  2. Enter a Call URL (mandatory)

  3. Select the Language

  4. Add one or more prompts you want to test:

    • Field Name

    • Field Prompt

  5. Click "Submit" to test your prompts

The platform will display results for each prompt, allowing you to iterate and improve your prompts before creating a template. You can save your tests for future reference and easily copy successful prompts for use in your templates.

💡 Pro tip : you can also test multiple prompts for a same CRM Field so that you make sure you get the best version when creating your template.

III. Create a template

  • Click on Add a template, or use a default template

  • Give a descriptive Title to your template (e.g., "Discovery Call - AE Team")

  • Select the relevant filters (Teams, Tags, Call duration, Call provider) to select on which calls the template should be applied.

You create the following template:

  • Title : BDR - BANT

  • Teams : BDR France, BDR UK

  • Tags : Qualification

  • Call duration : Greater than 3 minutes

A) Search and select the CRM field you want to automatically fill

  • Search and select the desired fields from Leads, Contacts, Deals, or Accounts.

  • Currently, AI CRM Filling supports only Text field types. Support for other formats is under development and should be available in October.

  • A single template can combine fields from multiple objects (e.g., Opportunity and Account).

B) For each field, write an AI instruction prompt

  • For each field, write a concise description of the information you expect the AI to extract.

  • Start simple: Avoid excessive details or examples to minimize potential errors.

  • For bullet-list outputs, end prompts with "Use markdown bullet list for the output format"

Example 1 : Timeline

Detail what is the preferred timeline for implementing this solution, including any key dates or deadlines we should be aware of? Use markdown bullet list for the output format.

Example 2 : Company Organization

Detail all information related to how the prospect's company is structured meaning how many departments work together, how many people there are in each departments, in how many different countries (if any). It's important to understand the hierarchy and the decision process (who decides, who leads, who executes). Good to know if there are any subsidiaries. Use markdown bullet list for the output format

Example 3 : Decision makers

Extract the key decision makers identified in the sales process, their job (position) in the organization, and what is their role in approving the budget or the solution? Use markdown bullet list for the output format, and one bullet point per decision maker.

D) Save your changes and publish it !

Don't forget to save and publish your template once you're ready !

It will automatically apply on the next calls matching your filters criterias.

E) Communicate to your team about this new feature !

Now that you're all set, you just need to engage with your team, because it's still a change in habits.

We drafted you a message and a loom that you can easily pick-up and adapt.

[No more headaches filling the CRM after callss]

Hi Team,

I'm excited to announce the launch of Modjo's new AI CRM Filling feature! It will now automatically predict and fill in relevant fields after your calls.

You'll still need to validate the fields with just one click before pushing them to our CRM, ensuring accuracy in our records.

Here is a Loom from Modjo that explains briefly how to use this feature effectively. Please take a moment to watch it!

Your feedback is important. So after using the feature, please share your thoughts with me so we can make it even better for everyone.

Let's make the most of this innovation and enhance our sales process!

V. Best Practices:

  • Tailor templates: Create specific templates for different call types, sales stages, or teams.

  • Prioritize clarity: Write clear and concise AI prompts that have been tested for effectiveness.

  • Test before deployment: Use the Prompt Testing Platform to refine prompts and ensure accuracy.

  • Regularly review and optimize: Analyze template performance and make adjustments based on results.

Remember, you can have multiple templates active at once, allowing for flexible and targeted CRM updates across your organization.

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