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Calendly ๐Ÿ› 

Follow the steps described in this article in order for your meetings taken through Calendly to be imported into Modjo

Updated over a week ago

With Calendly, you can use event types to set up your meeting details. You can think of an event type as a template for a meeting that youโ€™ll schedule regularly, like a product demo, a customer call, or for office hours.
There are four kinds of event types you can create:

โ€‹-Round Robin


๐ŸšจModjo can associate the contacts of your Calendly meetings only for certain Calendly configurations since we require the email address of the attendee to be present in the meeting's calendar invitation.

I. Make sure your Calendly configuration is fully supported by Modjo

A) Individual event types

  • One-on-One event type:

    A One-on-One is a meeting between a Calendly host and an invitee.

    The One-on-One event type is fully supported by Modjo โœ…

  • Group event type:
    A Group event is a one-to-many meeting, with one Calendly host and multiple invitees.

    The Group event type is supported by Modjo i.e., Your meeting will be imported. However, since the email address of your attendees won't be displayed in the calendar's invitation, we wont manage to associate them with your meeting โŒ

B) Multi-person event types

  • Round Robin event type:

    A Round Robin is a one-on-one event that's cycled through your team, depending on your team's availability or distribution preferences.

    Calendly will randomly assign an event to an individual host from a pool of hosts.

    The Round Robin event type is fully supported by Modjo โœ…

  • Collective event type:

    A Collective event type is a many-to-one meeting, with multiple Calendly hosts and one invitee. This event type allows a single invitee to book with multiple Calendly hosts at one time.

    With collective event types, Calendly pools your team members' availability to make sure your teammates are all free when an invitee selects a time to meet.
    The Collective event type is fully supported by Modjo โœ…

    For further details on Calendly event types, click here

II. Ensure the import criteria are met

In order for your meeting booked via Calendly to be imported, the following conditions must be met:

  • The Host of the meeting must have a recording license in order for his calls to be recorded and thus imported.
    *if you're using the Modjo recorder, we only require one attendee to possess a recording license

  • The Modjo user must have granted us access to his Google/Outlook calendar

  • The call must be recorded in the telephony system itself (ex: for a Gmeet video call, make sure that the record of the file's meeting is in your Google drive).
    *this criteria doesn't apply if you're using the Modjo recorder

  • The call must be a real conversation (we have setup an algorithm excluding voicemails and very short calls (less than 2').
    *you can change this setting by asking to your Modjo contact

  • Make sure that at least one guest of the meeting hasn't declined the invitation while making sure that the meeting includes at least one attendee who is not from your company. Indeed, Modjo excludes internal meetings by verifying that at least one attendee in your calendar invitation (or Zoom meeting) has not the same email domain as yours.

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