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AI Deal Summary

Understanding the Deal Summary Feature in Modjo Deals

Updated over a week ago

The Deal Summary feature is your new secret weapon for efficient and effective pipeline reviews. This powerful AI-driven tool analyzes your call recordings and provides a concise overview of each deal, helping you quickly grasp the key information and identify opportunities to move deals forward.

There's no need to ask your sales rep to recap the entire context of the deal at each pipeline review. Simply read the brief summary to refresh your memory.

I. What is the Deal Summary?

The Deal Summary is a bulleted list of key insights extracted from your sales conversations. It's designed to give you a quick snapshot of each deal, including:

  • Need: Why is the prospect interested in your product? What problems are they trying to solve?

  • Competition: Is the prospect evaluating other solutions? If so, which ones?

  • Blocking points: Are there any roadblocks preventing the deal from moving forward?

  • Next steps : What are the next steps decided with the prospect ?

II. How does the Deal Summary work?

Modjo's AI analyzes each call recordings transcripts and identifies key information related to the deal. This information is then summarized into a clear and concise format, allowing you to quickly understand the current status of the deal without having to listen to hours of recordings. With each new call, the summary is updated with the latest key information.

  • Check the date of the last update to ensure the information is current.

  • Feel free to translate the summary into your preferred language.

  • You can copy and paste the content of this summary by clicking on the CTA on the right.


Is the Deal Summary logged in my CRM ?

No, for now we started with Modjo only, but it will come soon!

What's is the Deal summary based on?

The Deal Summary is based on Modjo's AI analysis of call transcripts. It doesn't take into account the emails, the information synced from CRM fields or deal warnings, for example. But emails are coming soon!

In which language is the Deal Summary ?

We identify the most commonly used language in the calls for the deal. However, no worries—you can translate it using the dropdown menu just above the summary.

Can I customize the prompt for the Deal Summary?

Not at the moment. The prompt was developed by Modjo's AI specialists. However, feel free to share your needs with us, as this is a planned future enhancement!

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